New Features

Service Group

Release notes

Client Management


IMPROVED New field "SharedResponsibilityWithLegalGuardianLoginUserId" added to MinorInformation section.

Client Services

/v1/audit/activities (BREAKING).

REMOVED This endpoint has been removed.

/v1/tradingconditions/instruments (BREAKING):

REMOVED The fields InternalCosts.TrailingCommissionPct and CurrencyCutSpreadRate have been removed.

/v1/tradingconditions/contractoptionsspaces (BREAKING):

REMOVED The field CurrencyCutSpreadRate has been removed.

/v1/tradingconditions/costs (BREAKING):

REMOVED The field "TomNext" in the Cost.Long.HoldingCost and Cost.Short.HoldingCost section has been removed.

/v1/cashmanagement/wiretransfers/instructions (BREAKING):

REMOVED The field "AttainKey" in the RemitterInfo section has been removed.

Corporate Actions

/v2/elections (Potentially Breaking).

CHANGED It is no longer possible to make an election with the sum of the elected amounts being (0). Further details to be found under Completed Planned Changes.

IMPROVED New ErrorCode: TotalElectionAmountShouldNotBeZero.


/v1/balances/costs (BREAKING):

REMOVED The fields ShareSpendingPower, SpendingPower, SrdSpendingPower and FirstFundingDate have been removed.


IMPROVED It is no longer mandatory to provide a ClientKey when getting or subscribing to a list of accounts.


IMPROVED It is no longer mandatory to provide a ClientKey when getting a list of clients.

IMPROVED New  field "AllowedTradingSessions" added.


IMPROVED New  object "ClosedPositionDetails" added.



IMPROVED New ErrorCode: IncorrectValuationTypeAndNettingMethod.

Please also observe the announced planned changes, which may be potentially breaking.

Currently we have four such changes scheduled:

  • Further removal of a few fields in several service groups - on or after October 1st
  • Further change of validation of corporate actions election - on or after November 1st
  • Further removal of a few fields in several service groups - on or after November 1st