Service Group
Release notes
Auto Trading


NEW New 'Summaries" endpoint added to provide an overview of all investments for all clients under a particular owner.

Client Management


NEW New "CompleteApplication" endpoint added which can be used to trigger immediate processing of a submitted signup.

IMPROVED A new section called "PensionData" has been added.


NEW New "Options" endpoint added. Compared to the options endpoint under v1, this endpoint returns the key in the Key field and the Value in the value field (as it should have been from the start). In addition the values are translated to the local language of the calling user.

Client Services


CHANGED "MaxExposure" field removed from return contract. Field was actually never returned in a response.

IMPROVED "MarginRequirement" section now includes three more fields, "InitialPct", "IntraWeekPct" and "MaintenancePct".



CHANGED The PUT and PATCH methods no longer accepts "DataLevel" as input.For backwards compatibility the caller may still supply a value for "DataLevel", but the resulting "DataLevel" will always be determined by the value of "TradeLevel" as follows:

  • "TradeLevel"="OrdersOnly" => "DataLevel"="Standard"
  • "TradeLevel"="FullTradingAndChat" =>DataLevel="Premium"


IMPROVED Additonal field 'ToOpenClose" has been added to request.

IMPROVED Additonal field 'LotSizeText" has been added to DisplayAndFormat structure.


CHANGED "MarginImpact" field no longer returned from PreCheck.

Please also observe the announced planned changes, which may be potentially breaking.