New Features

Service Group
Release notes


IMPROVED New error code: "DeadlineDatePassed" added.


IMPROVED New fields added: "CurrencyConversion", "CurrentSpread".

IMPROVED New "MinSpread", "SpreadRate" added to section "CommissionLimits".

IMPROVED New value "ImplicitCostsNotChargedOnAccount" added to the CostAssumption enumeration.

BREAKING A number of fields have been removed: (Announced Feb 2022):

  • ExchangeFee, FinanceInterestMarkup, InterestRateMarginRequirement, LoanInterestCharge, MarginRequirements, MaxOrderAutoPlaceAmount, MaxStreamingAmount, SwapInterestMarkUp


IMPROVED New field added: "MarginAndCollateralUtilizationPct".


IMPROVED FieldGroup "Costs" has been added as option to the PositionResponse model, which returns cost details for each of the returned positions. This FieldGroup has been migrated from the soon-to-be deprecated /details route and can now also be streamed.

IMPROVED The following fields have been added to the PositionBase model in PositionResponse, which have been migrated from the soon-to-be deprecated /details route:

  • AllocationKeyId, CopiedPositionId, LockedByBackOffice, OpenSwap, OriginatingAlgoOrderStrategyId, StrategyId

Please also observe the announced planned changes, which may be potentially breaking.

Currently we have three such changes scheduled:

  • Change of validation of corporate actions election - on or after October 1st.
  • Removal of a few fields in several service groups - on or after October 1st.
  • Further change of validation of corporate actions election - on or after November 1st