This page outlines the steps to be completed if you wish to write you own application, which can access account data and trade against the LIVE environment.

The evaluation will in most cases be handled automatically and you will receive the credentials within minutes. In cases where manual review is required you will receive instructions on how to proceed during the application creation flow.

Who is this for?

You may use this procedure to apply for OpenAPI live application credentials if you are:

  • A direct retail or professional client of Saxo Group, and
  • And would like to create an application for personal usage or for usage within your own entity

1. Make sure you have created and tested your application against our SIM environment

In order to request the LIVE application you must have created at least one SIM application, which should be used for testing your OpenAPI integration.

The SIM application allows you to experiment with OpenAPI without worrying about losing money or sending invalid requests, while LIVE applications are extensively monitored and irregular behavior, such as creating a large amount of errors during testing, will be flagged and reviewed by us.

2. Request your LIVE application

To request the LIVE application, visit the Apps page on the developer portal, and make sure that you're authenticated with your SIM developer account.

  1. Click on Live Apps in the left-hand sidebar

  2. Click the 'Start connecting your account here' to link your SIM developer account with your LIVE account. This only shows the first time, so if you've already done this it will go directly to step 3.

  3. Log in with your LIVE account

  4. Click the "Request LIVE app" button

  5. Go through, review and accept our disclaimers. If you're unable to confirm that you have sufficiently tested your app in SIM, please go back and perform the remaining tests.

  6. Fill in the details of the application that you're requesting and click the "Request LIVE application" button at the end of the form

  7. You will immediately get feedback on your application and the response will be one of the following:
    1. You application has been approved - Simply close the dialog to see the app credentials.
    2. We require further information from you in order to approve it - Follow the instructions displayed in order to continue. The instructions can also be found here:

Happy Coding

Saxo Bank OpenAPI team