Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    $skip Integer Query-String The number of entries to skip from the beginning of the collection
    $top Integer Query-String The number of entries to return from the beginning of the collection
    AccountGroupKey AccountGroupKey Query-String The key of the account group to which the net positions belongs.
    AccountKey AccountKey Query-String The key of the account to which the net positions belongs.
    ClientKey ClientKey Query-String The key of the client to which the net positions belongs.
    FieldGroups PositionFieldGroup [] Query-String Specifies which data to return. Default is [PositionBase,PositionView]
    NetPositionId String Query-String The id of the netposition to which the position belongs
    PositionId String Query-String The id of the position.
    WatchlistId String Query-String Selects only positions those instruments belongs to the given watchlist id
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    __count Number The total count of items in the feed.
    __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed.
    Data PositionResponse [] The collection of entities for this feed.
    MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable).
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /port/v1/positions?$skip=1&$top=1&AccountGroupKey=stringValue&AccountKey=01b64edf-da03-4145-bf33-ae21527d4c86&ClientKey=493b43a5-fe85-4d1f-9071-dd4a9d4e42a4&FieldGroups=PositionIdOnly&NetPositionId=stringValue&PositionId=stringValue&WatchlistId=stringValue
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "__next": "/openapi/port/....../?$top=1&$skip=1",
      "Data": [
          "NetPositionId": "GBPUSD_FxSpot",
          "PositionBase": {
            "AccountId": "192134INET",
            "Amount": 100000,
            "AssetType": "FxSpot",
            "CanBeClosed": true,
            "ClientId": "654321",
            "CloseConversionRateSettled": false,
            "ExecutionTimeOpen": "2016-09-02T10:25:00Z",
            "IsForceOpen": false,
            "IsMarketOpen": false,
            "LockedByBackOffice": false,
            "OpenPrice": 1.32167,
            "SpotDate": "2016-09-06T00:00:00Z",
            "Status": "Open",
            "Uic": 31,
            "ValueDate": "2017-05-04T00:00:00Z"
          "PositionId": "1019942425",
          "PositionView": {
            "Ask": 1.2917,
            "Bid": 1.29162,
            "CalculationReliability": "Ok",
            "CurrentPrice": 1.29169,
            "CurrentPriceDelayMinutes": 0,
            "CurrentPriceType": "Bid",
            "Exposure": 100000,
            "ExposureCurrency": "GBP",
            "ExposureInBaseCurrency": 129192,
            "InstrumentPriceDayPercentChange": 0.26,
            "ProfitLossOnTrade": -2998,
            "ProfitLossOnTradeInBaseCurrency": -2998,
            "SettlementInstruction": {
              "ActualRolloverAmount": 0,
              "ActualSettlementAmount": 10,
              "Amount": 10,
              "IsSettlementInstructionsAllowed": false,
              "Month": 7,
              "SettlementType": "FullSettlement",
              "Year": 2020
            "TradeCostsTotal": 0,
            "TradeCostsTotalInBaseCurrency": 0