Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    AccountKey AccountKey Route The account key to lookup the conditions for
    AssetType AssetType Route The assetType of the instrument to lookup
    FieldGroups ScheduledTradingConditionsFieldGroup [] Query-String Specify which field groups to return
    Uic Integer Route The uic for the instrument to lookup
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    AccountCurrency String Currency of the selected account, used when listing currency conversion fees for the selected instrument back to the account currency.
    AccumulatedVolume Number The Accumulated FX volume calculated on the basis of discount profile period(Currently defaults to one month).
    AmountCurrency String Currency of the amount being listed.
    AmountOutstanding Number (Requires License) Outstanding debt of the bond.
    ApplicableFxCommissionRate Number The applicable commission rate for FX
    AssetType AssetType Asset Type
    AssetTypeClassification String Code indicating a mutual fund's classification. (Only available for instruments with AssetType = MutualFund).
    BondType BondType The type of bond.
    BorrowingRate Number The borrowing costs as a percentage per year for holding short positions in single-stock CFDs.
    CarryingCost CarryingCost For instruments where carrying costs are applied (futures, exchange traded options) , the percentage markup on the interbank interest rate applied for holding the position.
    CollateralValue Number The percentage of the instrument collateral value that can be used for margin trading.
    CommissionLimits CommissionLimit [] The commission structure for the selected instrument.
    Coupon Number (Requires License) The coupon value of the instrument.
    CouponDistributionFrequency CouponFrequency (Requires License) Frequency of coupon distribution
    CouponFixingFrequency CouponFrequency (Requires License) The frequency with which the floating rate changes.
    CouponFixToFloatDate Date (Requires License) Date when coupon will change from Fix to Float
    CouponFormula String (Requires License) Formula used to compute coupon value (ReferenceRate +/- Margin)
    CouponType BondsCouponType (Requires License) Fixed or floating rate coupon.
    CurrencyConversion CurrencyConversion The currency conversion.
    CurrentSpread Number Current spread.
    CustodyFees CustodyFee Custody fee per year for holding cash positions.
    DeflationFloorProtectionType LocalizedInfo Deflation floor protection, applicable only for Inflation Linked Bonds.
    ExchangeFeeRules ExchangeFeeRules [] Exchange fee rules if applied separately.
    ExposureLimits Exposure [] The maximum allowed exposure to the instrument.
    Financing Financing Financing charge markup.
    FinancingInterest FinancingInterest Financing interest.
    FirstCouponDate Date (Requires License) Date of next coupon payment.
    ForexPriceBands ForexPriceBand [] Forex pricebands.
    FundCountry String The country where a mutual fund is listed. (Only available for instruments with AssetType = MutualFund).
    FundCountryCode String Fund Country Code. (Only available for instruments with AssetType = MutualFund).
    FxForwardMaxOrderAutoPlaceAmount Number Indicates the maximum amount where orders of fx forwards are accepted.
    FxForwardMaxStreamingAmount Number Indicates the highest amount for which streaming prices for fx forwards can be expected.
    FxSpotMaxOrderAutoPlaceAmount Number Indicates the maximum amount where orders of fx spot are accepted.
    FxSpotMaxStreamingAmount Number Indicates the highest amount for which streaming prices for fx spot can be expected.
    HasKID Boolean Whether the funds has an associated KID.
    HoldingFee HoldingFee Holding fee if applied.
    IndexRatio Number (Requires License) Interest Charged when MarginLending is used
    IndicativeSpread IndicativeSpread The spread used for fx forwards is indicative and depends on how far in the future the value date of the forward is. The different time horizon is called tenors and this collection shows a current snapshot of the spreads for the different tenors.
    InitialCollateralValue Number Initial Collateral Value for margin lending type account
    InstrumentCurrency String Instrument Currency.
    InstrumentMarginRequirements InstrumentMarginRequirement [] The margin requirements for the instrument. A margin requirement indicates the money reserved on the client’s account to cover a potential loss.
    InterestPerDay Financing Interest charged per day for SRDs
    InterestRateInstrumentMarginRequirement InstrumentMarginRequirement The base rate (1Y) interest rate margin requirement for the instrument.
    InternalCosts InternalCosts Internal costs are costs charged by a fund, but not booked by Saxo. They are simply running costs at the fund’s end for holding a position in the fund.
    IsBaseContractOnlineTradeable Boolean Some instruments are tradable, but not through the API. This value indicates that a dealer is needed to manually place the trade.
    IsShortTraded Boolean Indicates if the instrument is short traded.
    IsSrdEligible Boolean Is eligible for SRD
    IssueDate Date (Requires License) Bond issue date.
    IssuePrice Number (Requires License) Bond issue price.
    IssuerName String (Requires License) The name of the entity that has issued this bond.
    IssueVolume Number (Requires License) The volume issued of a bond.
    IsTradable Boolean Instrument is currently tradeable or not.
    LastCouponDate Date (Requires License) Last coupon date of bond.
    LoanInterest LoanInterest Loan interest.
    MaintenanceCollateralValue Number Maintenance Collateral Value for margin lending type account
    MarginSchedule MarginSchedule A margin schedule is an indication of the change in margin requirement rules as they change during a day.
    MarginTierRequirement MarginTierRequirement A margin tier expresses how much money is reserved on a client’s account to cover a potential loss. The tiers are expressed in the exposure to the instrument across positions. Values can vary depending on when the position is being held.
    Maturity Date (Requires License) The maturity date of a bond.
    MaxAutoExecute Number Indicates the maximum amount or number of contracts that are automatically accepted. Relevant for fx (spot and options), cfds and mutual funds. The value is not set for all instruments.
    MaximumCollateralAmount Number The maximum collateral value that we offer for a single share for margin lending type account
    MaximumCollateralAmountCurrency String The currency of MaximumCollateralAmount value
    MaximumCouponRate Number (Requires License) Maximum coupon rate (applicable for capped FRN’s)
    MaxStreamingAmountFarDate Number Max streaming amount for far dates for an fx forward.
    MaxStreamingAmountNearDate Number Max streaming amount for near dates for an fx forward.
    MinimumCouponRate Number (Requires License) Minimum coupon rate (applicable for floored FRN’s)
    MinOrderSize Number The minimum size of an order. For FX that is the nominal size of the resulting position (i.e. 5,000 USD for EURUSD). For listed products it is the value of the resulting position calculated in the instruments currency as a function of its price. Mutual Funds are special in that the order size can be denoted in a different currency than that of the instrument. That currency can be found in MinOrderSizeCurrency field.
    MinOrderSizeCurrency String Currency in which min order size is mentioned.
    Notes String [] (Requires License) Instrument notes.
    PortfolioBasedMargin PortfolioBasedMargin Portfoilio based margin
    PriceUnitDisplayName String The price unit display name.
    Rating Number Risk Rating.
    RiskIndicator Number Risk Indicator
    RolloverFee RolloverFee Rollover fee for SRDs - Charged if position is rolled over
    Rules Rule [] Rule set for trading.
    ScheduledTradingConditions ScheduledTradingConditions [] Scheduled Trading Conditions
    SpreadAsLowAs Number Lowest possible spread. Value only relevant for fx.
    SwapPoints SwapPoints Swap points per day.
    Taxes Tax [] (Requires License) List of taxes applied.
    TicketFee Fee A ticket fee is a charge for doing a trade. Ticket fees are for fx (both spot and options). A ticket fee is applied if below the TicketFeeThreshold.
    TicketFeeThreshold Number The commission threshold.
    Uic Integer Instrument unique identifier
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /cs/v1/tradingconditions/instrument/7m4I|vtYLUnEGg77o9uQhw==/21/FxSpot?FieldGroups=ScheduledTradingConditions
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "AccountCurrency": "GBP",
      "AmountCurrency": "EUR",
      "AssetType": "FxSpot",
      "CarryingCost": {
        "FixedRate": 2,
        "InterbankRate": {
          "AskRate": 1,
          "BidRate": 2,
          "TradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        "MarkUpRate": 2
      "CommissionLimits": [
          "Currency": "USD",
          "MinCommission": 3,
          "OrderAction": "ExecuteOrder",
          "RateOnAmount": 5E-05
      "ExposureLimits": [
          "Currency": "USD",
          "Identifier": "EUR",
          "Level": "Currency",
          "RuleType": "Value",
          "Value": 115000000
          "Currency": "USD",
          "Identifier": "USD",
          "Level": "Currency",
          "RuleType": "Value",
          "Value": 115000000
          "Currency": "USD",
          "Identifier": "Fx-NOP",
          "Level": "Asset",
          "RuleType": "Value",
          "Value": 50000000
      "Financing": {
        "AskMarkUp": 2,
        "BidMarkDown": 2,
        "FixedRateAsk": 2,
        "FixedRateBid": 3,
        "InterbankRate": {
          "AskRate": 1,
          "BidRate": 2,
          "TradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "FinancingInterest": {
        "InterbankRate": {
          "AskRate": 1,
          "BidRate": 2,
          "TradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        "Markup": 1
      "ForexPriceBands": [
          "AutoExecuteEnabled": true,
          "AutoQuoteEnabled": true,
          "DisplayDecimals": 5,
          "MaxBand": 100000,
          "Spread": 1E-05,
          "SpreadType": "Variable",
          "UpperBandLimit": 100000
          "AutoExecuteEnabled": true,
          "AutoQuoteEnabled": true,
          "DisplayDecimals": 5,
          "MaxBand": 100000,
          "Spread": 2E-05,
          "SpreadType": "Variable",
          "UpperBandLimit": 25000000
      "InstrumentCurrency": "USD",
      "IsTradable": true,
      "LoanInterest": {
        "InterbankRate": {
          "AskRate": 1,
          "BidRate": 2,
          "TradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
        "Markup": 2
      "MarginTierRequirement": {
        "Entries": [
            "ExtraWeekMarginRate": 0.015,
            "InitialMarginRate": 0.015,
            "IntraWeekMarginRate": 0.015,
            "TierLowerBound": 0
            "ExtraWeekMarginRate": 0.065,
            "InitialMarginRate": 0.055,
            "IntraWeekMarginRate": 0.045,
            "TierLowerBound": 1000000
            "ExtraWeekMarginRate": 0.025,
            "InitialMarginRate": 0.025,
            "IntraWeekMarginRate": 0.025,
            "TierLowerBound": 25000000
            "ExtraWeekMarginRate": 0.003,
            "InitialMarginRate": 0.003,
            "IntraWeekMarginRate": 0.003,
            "TierLowerBound": 50000000
            "ExtraWeekMarginRate": 0.035,
            "InitialMarginRate": 0.035,
            "IntraWeekMarginRate": 0.035,
            "TierLowerBound": 100000000
            "ExtraWeekMarginRate": 0.045,
            "InitialMarginRate": 0.045,
            "IntraWeekMarginRate": 0.045,
            "TierLowerBound": 150000000
            "ExtraWeekMarginRate": 0.05,
            "InitialMarginRate": 0.05,
            "IntraWeekMarginRate": 0.05,
            "TierLowerBound": 250000000
        "TierCurrency": "USD"
      "MinOrderSize": 1000,
      "MinOrderSizeCurrency": "EUR",
      "PortfolioBasedMargin": {
        "ExtremeStressFactor": 15.6,
        "Initial": 185.5,
        "IntraWeek": 8.7,
        "LiquidityThresholdAmount": 569987,
        "LiquidityThresholdCurrency": "USD",
        "VolatilityAddOn": 1000.68,
        "VolatilityStress": 100
      "Rating": 0,
      "RiskIndicator": 0,
      "Rules": [
      "SpreadAsLowAs": 7E-05,
      "SwapPoints": {
        "AskPoint": 1,
        "BidPoint": 2,
        "Date": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "Markup": 1,
        "TimeZoneAbbreviation": "CTE",
        "TimeZoneOffset": "2024-04-21T00:00:00Z"
      "TicketFeeThreshold": 50000,
      "Uic": 21