
Internal Costs

  • Name Type Description
    EligilbeForTraspaso Boolean Indicates whether a given mutual fund can be used in a Spanish traspaso-trade for the purpose of deferring tax payment.
    EntryCost EntryCost Indicates the entry cost.
    ExitCost ExitCost Indicates the exit cost.
    ManagementFeePct Number Management fee paid for holding a position in a mutual fund.
    OneTimeRetrocessionPct Number The one time retrocession percentage.
    OngoingCostCurrency String Currency of OnGoing cost.
    OngoingCostPct Number (Requires License) Fee paid for holding a position in a fund.
    OngoingCostPerUnit Number Fee paid per unit for holding a position in a fund.
    RetrocessionPct Number The retrocession percentage.
    SwitchCommissionPct Number Commission paid for a switch trade between two mutual funds.