Errorcode used in RFQ.
Name Description DealerCancelsQuote Dealer cancels quote. DealerCannotQuote Dealer can not give quote at this time. DealerCannotTrade Dealer can not trade at this time. DealerDisconnected Dealer disconnected. DealerIsBusy Dealer is handling other request for client. DealerIsUnavailable Dealer is not available. DealerRejectsQuoteRequest Dealer rejects quote request. None No error code. QuoteHasTimedOut Quote has timed out TooSmallTrade Trade contract size is too small WarningAmountLargeOrderSize Returned when a price request is for a an amount that is larger than will be automatically accepted. For IOC orders, this means that an order on that amount will always be rejected. WarningAmountTooSmall Returned when an amount for an FXO is so small that we do not accept request for quotes on it.