Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    CanParticipateInMultiLegOrder Boolean Query-String Should the result only include option roots that allow/disallow exchange traded option strategies, also know as multi-leg or combination orders. This is an optional parameter, all roots are returned regardless if omitted.
    ClientKey ClientKey Query-String
    ExpiryDates String [] Query-String Return specific information for the ExpiryDates in this array (if OptionSpaceSegment is set to 'SpecificDates').
    OptionRootId Integer Route ID of the contract option root.
    OptionSpaceSegment OptionSpaceSegment Query-String How large a segment of the option space should return full contract option details (in the OptionsSpace[].SpecificOptions property). Default is None.
    TradingStatus TradingStatus Query-String
    UnderlyingUic Integer Query-String The uic of the underlying instrument. This is an optional parameter (if OptionSpaceSegment is set to 'UnderlyingUic').
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    AmountDecimals Integer The trading amount supported decimals.
    AssetType AssetType AssetType (Note: OptionRoots also have an asset type (FuturesOption, StockOption, StockIndexOption).
    CanParticipateInMultiLegOrder Boolean True if this option root supports exchange traded option strategies, also know as multi-leg or combination orders.
    ContractSize Number No of units of the underlying instrument covered by one contract.
    CurrencyCode String The ISO currency code of the instrument/symbol.
    DefaultAmount Number Default amount suggested for trading this Instrument
    DefaultExpiry Obsolete String - The expiry date of the default option for this option space. DefaultExpiry will not be available from May-2019.
    DefaultOption Obsolete ContractOption - The default option for this option space. DefaultOption will not be available from May-2019.
    Description String Description of Instrument (DAX Index - Nov 2013), in English.
    DisplayHint DisplayHintType Hint to the client application about how it should display the instrument.
    Exchange ExchangeSummary Information about the exchange where this instrument or the underlying instrument is traded. * For most instruments this is the exchange where this instrument is traded. * For CFDs on stocks and futures, it is the exchange where the underlying instrument is traded. * For CFDs on stock indices, it is the exchange of the underlying ticker.
    ExerciseStyle ExerciseStyle The style of exercise, can be either American or European.
    ExpiryDate Date Applicable for Types: Futures, CfdOnFutures, ContractOptions
    Format PriceDisplayFormat Price formatting information
    GroupId Integer The GroupId value is used to group and structure instruments list. 0 is being used for ungrouped data.
    IncrementSize Number The rate at which price should be incremented when done in steps.
    IsComplex Boolean Is the instrument (complex)?
    IsTradable Boolean Is the instrument (currently) tradable by the user represented in the API token?
    LotSize Number The LotSize, how many contracts in a lot traded?.
    LotSizeType LotSizeType Applicable for Types: Shares, CfdOnFutures, ContractOptions
    MinimumLotSize Number Since this is only pertinent to CFDs and stocks, it should be moved to those subclasses, even though the value is defined for all instrument types. Or is it?
    MinimumOrderValue Number Value of trade (Amount * Price) must be greater than or equal to
    NoticeDate Date Applicable for Types: Futures
    OptionRootId Integer Id of OptionRoot
    OptionSpace ContractOptionEntry [] List containing entries for each individual option.
    OrderDistances OrderDistances Minimal order distances for each order type.
    PriceCurrency String Price currency of the instrument.
    PriceToContractFactor Number Applicable for Types: Futures, CfdOnFutures, ContractOptions, CfdIndices
    PrimaryListing Integer The uic of the primary listing of this instrument. For stocks and CFDs, this is the instrument traded on the exchange of the same country as issuer country. For expiring instruments, this is the next expiring instance.
    RelatedInstruments InstrumentKey [] List of related UICs and asset types.
    RelatedOptionRoots Obsolete Integer [] . Please use RelatedOptionRootsEnhanced instead. This field will be removed from December 2020.
    RelatedOptionRootsEnhanced RelatedOptionRoot [] List of related Option root id's combined with asset type.
    SettlementStyle SettlementStyle The style of settlement, e.g. cash or physical delivery.
    StandardAmounts Number [] Standard amounts. Used for drop downs in trade tickets.
    SupportedOrderTypes PlaceableOrderType [] What types of orders can be placed on this instrument ( or option)
    SupportedStrategies OptionsStrategyType [] Supported strategies for option root.
    Symbol String Symbol- A combination of letters used to uniquely identify a traded instrument. e.g. ODAX/X13C8950:xeur or EURUSD.
    TickSize Number Minimum price movement of an instrument.
    TradableOn String [] Specifies what accounts the calling client can trade this instrument or option space on.
    UnderlyingAssetType AssetType The asset type of the underlying instrument.
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /ref/v1/instruments/contractoptionspaces/6?CanParticipateInMultiLegOrder={CanParticipateInMultiLegOrder}&ClientKey={ClientKey}&ExpiryDates=2107-06-16&OptionSpaceSegment=SpecificDates&TradingStatus=NotDefined&UnderlyingUic=1907570
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "AmountDecimals": 0,
      "AssetType": "StockIndexOption",
      "CanParticipateInMultiLegOrder": true,
      "ContractSize": 5,
      "CurrencyCode": "EUR",
      "DefaultAmount": 1,
      "Description": "DAX Index",
      "Exchange": {
        "CountryCode": "DE",
        "ExchangeId": "EUREX",
        "Name": "Eurex",
        "PriceSourceName": "Eurex"
      "ExerciseStyle": "European",
      "Format": {
        "Decimals": 2,
        "OrderDecimals": 2,
        "StrikeDecimals": 2
      "GroupId": 0,
      "IncrementSize": 1,
      "IsTradable": true,
      "LotSize": 1,
      "LotSizeType": "OddLotsNotAllowed",
      "OptionRootId": 6,
      "OptionSpace": [
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 3,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2017-05-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2017-05-19T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 34,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2017-06-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2017-06-16T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "SpecificOptions": [
              "PutCall": "Call",
              "StrikePrice": 13500,
              "TradingStatus": "NotDefined",
              "Uic": 6608098,
              "UnderlyingUic": 1907570
              "PutCall": "Put",
              "StrikePrice": 13500,
              "TradingStatus": "NotDefined",
              "Uic": 6608101,
              "UnderlyingUic": 1907570
              "PutCall": "Call",
              "StrikePrice": 12750,
              "TradingStatus": "NotDefined",
              "Uic": 6507156,
              "UnderlyingUic": 1907570
              "PutCall": "Call",
              "StrikePrice": 12900,
              "TradingStatus": "NotDefined",
              "Uic": 6507157,
              "UnderlyingUic": 1907570
              "PutCall": "Call",
              "StrikePrice": 12950,
              "TradingStatus": "NotDefined",
              "Uic": 6507158,
              "UnderlyingUic": 1907570
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 126,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2017-09-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2017-09-15T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 217,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2017-12-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2017-12-15T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 307,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2018-03-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2018-03-16T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 399,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2018-06-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2018-06-15T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 582,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2018-12-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2018-12-21T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 764,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2019-06-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2019-06-21T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 947,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2019-12-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2019-12-20T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 1313,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2020-12-18T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
          "DisplayDaysToExpiry": 1678,
          "DisplayDaysToLastTradeDate": 0,
          "DisplayExpiry": "2021-12-01T00:00:00Z",
          "Expiry": "2021-12-17T00:00:00Z",
          "LastTradeDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "OrderDistances": {
        "EntryDefaultDistance": 0,
        "EntryDefaultDistanceType": "Percentage",
        "LimitDefaultDistance": 0,
        "LimitDefaultDistanceType": "Percentage",
        "StopLimitDefaultDistance": 5,
        "StopLimitDefaultDistanceType": "Pips",
        "StopLossDefaultDistance": 0.5,
        "StopLossDefaultDistanceType": "Percentage",
        "StopLossDefaultEnabled": false,
        "StopLossDefaultOrderType": "Stop",
        "TakeProfitDefaultDistance": 0.5,
        "TakeProfitDefaultDistanceType": "Percentage",
        "TakeProfitDefaultEnabled": false
      "PriceToContractFactor": 5,
      "RelatedInstruments": [
          "AssetType": "StockIndex",
          "Uic": 1907570
      "RelatedOptionRootsEnhanced": [
          "AssetType": "StockIndexOption",
          "OptionRootId": 110,
          "OptionType": "Default"
          "AssetType": "StockOption",
          "OptionRootId": 111,
          "OptionType": "Default"
          "AssetType": "StockOption",
          "OptionRootId": 112,
          "OptionType": "Default"
      "SettlementStyle": "CashDelivery",
      "StandardAmounts": [
      "SupportedOrderTypes": [
      "Symbol": "ODAX:xeur",
      "TickSize": 0.1,
      "TradableOn": [
      "UnderlyingAssetType": "StockIndex"