Endpoint Parameters

  • Request parameters

    Name Type Origin Description
    $skip Integer Query-String The number of entries to skip from the beginning of the collection
    $top Integer Query-String The number of entries to return from the beginning of the collection
    AccountKey AccountKey Query-String If specified, access permissions to instruments for the specified account will be evaluated. Optional.
    AssetTypes AssetType [] Query-String Comma separated list of one or more asset types to search for. E.g. AssetTypes=FxSpot,Stock
    CanParticipateInMultiLegOrder Boolean Query-String Should the result only include option roots that allow/disallow exchange traded option strategies, also know as multi-leg or combination orders. All roots are returned regardless if omitted.
    Class Class [] Query-String The class of the instruments to include in the search.
    ExchangeId String Query-String ID of the exchange that the instruments must match.
    IncludeNonTradable Boolean Query-String Should the search include instruments, which are not online client tradable?
    Keywords String Query-String Search for matching keywords in the instruments. Separate keywords with spaces.
    OneMonthTotalValueChangesFrom Number Query-String Subject to data license agreements. Upper filter boundary for one month total value changes that the instruments must match.
    OneMonthTotalValueChangesTo Number Query-String Subject to data license agreements. Lower filter boundary for one month total value changes that the instruments must match.
    OneWeekTotalValueChangesFrom Number Query-String Subject to data license agreements. Upper filter boundary for one week total value changes that the instruments must match.
    OneWeekTotalValueChangesTo Number Query-String Subject to data license agreements. Lower filter boundary for one week total value changes that the instruments must match.
    OneYearTotalValueChangesFrom Number Query-String Subject to data license agreements. Upper filter boundary for one year total value changes that the instruments must match.
    OneYearTotalValueChangesTo Number Query-String Subject to data license agreements. Lower filter boundary for one year total value changes that the instruments must match.
    Tags String [] Query-String Allows filtering by display hint, on Stocks, ETFs and ETCs are currently supported. Use null to indicate Tag should not be included in search criteria. Currently only one tag is supported.
    Uics Integer [] Query-String Limit list to return information for the following Uics
  • Response Parameters

    View Response Codes
    Name Type Description
    __count Number The total count of items in the feed.
    __next String The link for the next page of items in the feed.
    Data SummaryInfo [] The collection of entities for this feed.
    MaxRows Number The maximum number of rows that can be returned (if applicable).
  • Request Example

    Request URL
    GET /ref/v1/instruments?$skip=1&$top=1&AccountKey=01b64edf-da03-4145-bf33-ae21527d4c86&AssetTypes=FxVanillaOption&CanParticipateInMultiLegOrder=True&Class=NonComplex&ExchangeId=stringValue&IncludeNonTradable=True&Keywords=stringValue&OneMonthTotalValueChangesFrom=10&OneMonthTotalValueChangesTo=10&OneWeekTotalValueChangesFrom=10&OneWeekTotalValueChangesTo=10&OneYearTotalValueChangesFrom=10&OneYearTotalValueChangesTo=10&Tags={Tags}&Uics={Uics}
  • Response Example

    Response body
      "__next": "/openapi/....../?$top=1&$skip=1",
      "Data": [
          "AssetType": "CfdOnFutures",
          "Description": "US Crude June 2017",
          "ExchangeId": "",
          "GroupId": 0,
          "Identifier": 6456061,
          "IsKeywordMatch": true,
          "PrimaryListing": 6456061,
          "SummaryType": "Instrument",
          "Symbol": "OILUSJUN17",
          "TradableAs": [
          "AssetType": "CfdOnFutures",
          "Description": "US Crude July 2017",
          "ExchangeId": "",
          "GroupId": 0,
          "Identifier": 6665418,
          "IsKeywordMatch": true,
          "PrimaryListing": 6456061,
          "SummaryType": "Instrument",
          "Symbol": "OILUSJUL17",
          "TradableAs": [
          "AssetType": "CfdOnFutures",
          "Description": "Heating Oil June 2017",
          "ExchangeId": "",
          "GroupId": 0,
          "Identifier": 6559778,
          "IsKeywordMatch": true,
          "PrimaryListing": 6559778,
          "SummaryType": "Instrument",
          "Symbol": "HEATINGOILJUN17",
          "TradableAs": [