
Data contract for account or client balance

  • Name Type Description
    AccountFundingLimit Number Account funding limit. This field is available for TaxSaving AccountType and FrancePea and FrancePeaPme SubAccountTypes.
    AccountNetFundedAmount Number Account funding limit. This field is available for TaxSaving AccountType and FrancePea and FrancePeaPme SubAccountTypes.
    AccountRemainingFunding Number Account Remaining Funding. This field is available for TaxSaving and Pension AccountTypes, and FrancePea and FrancePeaPme SubAccountTypes.
    AccountValueProtectionLimit Number If set, this value shields the account/client value from going below the given limit by automatically triggering closing of open positions should the limit be exceeded. A limit of zero means there is no limit.
    CalculationReliability CalculationReliability In case an error was encountered while computing balances, this field indicates the source of the calculation error.
    CashAvailableForTrading Number Cash available for trading for the current account/client.
    CashBalance Number Current cash balance of the account/client.
    CashBlocked Number Cash blocked for the current account/client.
    ChangesScheduled Boolean True if there are scheduled changes to margin, collateral or rating changes.
    ClosedPositionsCount Integer Number of current closed positions.
    CollateralAvailable Number Sum of collateral from positions, cash, collateral credit and other holdings available to maintain positions.
    CollateralCreditLine LineStatus The utilization state and maximum collateral credit line limit.
    CollateralCreditValue LineStatus The utilization state and maximum collateral credit value.
    CollateralLoan Number Size of loan secured by collateral
    CorporateActionUnrealizedAmounts Number Corporate Action Unrealized Amounts.
    CostToClosePositions Number Estimated costs payable if all position where to be closed on the account/client. The provided value is negative for costs charged to the account.
    CreditLine LineStatus The utilization state and maximum credit limit.
    Currency String Currency of the Account, AccountGroup, or Client, depending on the selected entity for which balances are requested. All values provided in this response are denominated in this currency unless otherwise specified.
    CurrencyDecimals Integer Number of decimals used to represent values in this currency. For most common currency denominations this value will be: 2.
    FundsAvailableForSettlement Number Funds available for trades settling today.
    FundsReservedForSettlement Number Funds reserved for trades settling today at market opening.
    InitialMargin InitialMarginResponse If set, this represents the calculation entity's initial margin (purchasing power).
    IntradayMarginDiscount Number Margin credited for unnetted positions closed intraday
    IsPortfolioMarginModelSimple Boolean True if the given client/account is on simple margining. F.ex. Used to indicate if the account supports close all positions. Typically this means the client has a single account or single account margining and no settlement accounts. As well as no Fx Forwards/Options, listed options or Futures using advanced margining methods.
    MarginAndCollateralUtilizationPct Number Level of margin already utilized in percent. I.e. the ratio between the margin collateral used and the total available margin collateral. Indicates distance to margin calls.
    MarginAvailableForTrading Number Margin available for trading. The amount of remaining collateral available for margin trading for the account/client.
    MarginCollateralNotAvailable Number Current collateral deduction of unrealized positions.
    MarginCollateralNotAvailableDetail MarginCollateralNotAvailableDetail Detail of MarginCollateralNotAvailable
    MarginExposureCoveragePct Number Percentage of total margin exposure to total collateral. I.e. the ratio between the Account Value and the Net Exposure. If account exposure is 0, the coverage percent is also returned as 0.
    MarginNetExposure Number Total net exposure of margin traded positions across all instruments.
    MarginOverview MarginOverviewByGroup Instrument margin utilization for positions.
    MarginUsedByCurrentPositions Number Sum of maintenance margin used for current positions on the account/client. The provided value is negative for any margin that is charged to the available margin on the account/client.
    MarginUtilizationPct Number Level of margin already utilized in percent. I.e. the ratio between the margin collateral used and the total available margin collateral. Indicates distance to margin calls.
    NetEquityForMargin Number Value used as basis to calculate maintinance margin. It is calculated as TotalValue plus pending settlements (funds awaiting settlement for partners), minus MarginCollateralNotAvailable.
    NetPositionsCount Integer Number of current open net positions.
    NonMarginPositionsValue Number Sum of MarketValue for all non-margin instruments held in the account/by the client.
    OpenIpoOrdersCount Integer Open Ipo order(s) count
    OpenPositionsCount Integer Number of current open positions.
    OptionPremiumsMarketValue Number Combined market value of premium for all options, both FX and Contract Options.
    OrdersCount Integer Number of current open orders.
    OtherCollateral Number Indicates the value of securities that have been deposited as collateral for margin.
    OtherCollateralDeduction Number Other Collateral Deduction derived from regulatory contributor margin value.
    SettlementLine LineStatus The utilization state and maximum settlement credit limit.
    SettlementValue Number Net current settlement value, long and short positions combined.
    SpendingPowerDetail SpendingPower Available spending power on the account/client.
    TotalRiskLine LineStatus The utilization state and risk credit limit.
    TotalValue Number Current value of unrealized positions incl. costs, cash balance and transactions not booked.
    TradingLine LineStatus The utilization state and maximum trading credit limit.
    TransactionsNotBooked Number Value of transactions that have yet to be booked to the account/client.
    TransactionsNotBookedDetail TransactionsNotBookedDetail Detail of transaction(s) that yet have to be booked to the account/client.
    TriggerOrdersCount Integer Number of current open trigger orders.
    UnrealizedMarginClosedProfitLoss Number ProfitLoss on all closed (netting and explicit) part of positions (Intraday netting specific).
    UnrealizedMarginOpenProfitLoss Number ProfitLoss on open part of positions (Intraday netting specific).
    UnrealizedMarginProfitLoss Number Sum of profit/loss ex. costs for all margin instruments held in the account/by the client.
    UnrealizedPositionsValue Number The current unrealized profit/loss and face value of all positions excl. costs.
    VariationMargin Number The change in value of unrealized derivatives positions since opening them.
    VariationMarginCashBalance Number Cash amount withdrawn from unrealized derivatives positions (VariationMargin).
    VariationMarginThreshold Number Maximmum amount that may be withdrawn from unrealized derivatives positions (VariationMargin).