
  • Get chart data

    Returns timestamped OHLC samples for a single instrument identified by UIC and AssetType. The time period covered by the samples and interval size between them are controlled by the combination of parameters Horizon, Time, Mode and Count.

    GET https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v1/charts?AssetType={AssetType}&Count={Count}&FieldGroups={FieldGroups}&Horizon={Horizon}&Mode={Mode}&Time={Time}&Uic={Uic}

  • Create a subscription on chart data

    Sets up a subscription and returns an initial snapshot of most recently completed samples specified by the parameters in the request.

    Subsequent samples are delivered over the streaming channel. Most often a single new sample or sample update is delivered at a time, but when a sample closes, you will typically get two samples: The now closed bar, and the bar just opening.

    Two events may require that a client application must close the current subscription and resubscribe:

    • The chart has been revised, either due to a correction or a corporate action.

    • The data stream has shifted from real-time to delayed prices or visa versa.

    In both cases the client application will receive a _resetsubscriptions instruction over the streaming channel.

    POST https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v1/charts/subscriptions

  • Remove multiple subscriptions

    Removes all subscriptions for the current session on this resource, and frees all resources on the server.

    DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v1/charts/subscriptions/{ContextId}?Tag={Tag}

  • Remove subscription

    Removes subscriptions for the given reference id on this resource, and frees resources on the server.

    DELETE https://gateway.saxobank.com/sim/openapi/chart/v1/charts/subscriptions/{ContextId}/{ReferenceId}