
Allowed asset types for corporate actions.

  • Name Description
    Bond Bond.
    CertificateBonus Mirrors the price movement of the underlying only if and when the underlying price exceeds the defined barrier. If the certificate expires below the barrier, it offers partial protection/return of investment.
    CertificateCappedBonus Certificate Capped Bonus.
    CertificateCappedCapitalProtected Guarantees a capped percentage increase of the underlying asset's value above the issue price at expiry/maturity. Max loss is the amount invested multiplied by the CapitalProtection percentage.
    CertificateCappedOutperformance Capped Outperformance Certificate.
    CertificateConstantLeverage Certificate Constant Leverage.
    CertificateDiscount Yields a capped return if the underlying asset's value is above the specified cap level at expiry. If the underlying's value is below the strike at expiry, the investor received the underlying or equivalent value. Offers direct exposure in underlying at a lower price (discount) with a capped potential profit and limited loss.
    CertificateExpress Certificate Express kick out.
    CertificateTracker A certificate that mirrors the price movement of the underlying instrument. Often used to trade movements in indicies. Movements can be a fixed ratio of the underlying and can be inverted for bearish/short speculation. Risk is equivalent to owning the underlying.
    CertificateUncappedCapitalProtection Guarantees a percentage increase of the underlying asset's value above the issue price at expiry/maturity. Max loss is the amount invested multiplied by the CapitalProtection percentage.
    CertificateUncappedOutperformance Provides leveraged returns when the underlying price exceeds the threshold strike price. The amount leverage is defined by the Participation %. When the underlying is below the strike price, the certificate mirrors the underlying price 1:1.
    CfdOnCompanyWarrant Cfd on unlisted warrant issued by a corporation.
    CfdOnEtc Cfd on Etc
    CfdOnEtf Cfd on Etf
    CfdOnEtn Cfd on Etn
    CfdOnFund Cfd on Fund
    CfdOnRights Cfd on Rights
    CfdOnStock Cfd on Stock.
    CompanyWarrant Unlisted warrant issued by a corporation, often physically settled.
    MiniFuture MiniFuture.
    MutualFund Mutual Fund.
    Stock Stock.
    Warrant Warrant
    WarrantDoubleKnockOut Warrant with two knock-out barriers.
    WarrantKnockOut Warrant with a knock-out barrier.
    WarrantOpenEndKnockOut Knock-out Warrant with no expiry.
    WarrantSpread Warrant with built-in spread.